
These are our go-to resources for gluten-free living.

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American Celiac Disease Alliance The ACDA is the federation for celiac disease in the U.S. with a membership that goes beyond the consensus statement recommendations.  Our members provide expertise in their respective fields and work together to develop sound public policy taking into consideration the perspectives of all segments of the community.  This collaboration strengthens our ability to be heard on important matters such as food labeling, funding for research, educating health professionals and the public.


Celiac Sprue Association
The Celiac Sprue Assocation is a member-based nonprofit support organization dedicated to helping individuals with celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis and their families worldwide through research, education and support.


Celiac Disease Gluten-free Diet Support Center at has become an invaluable resource to people worldwide who seek information about celiac disease and related disorders. Currently millions of people per year visit the site to get the latest information on celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, and to take advantage of its many resources and services


The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America
The mission of the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America® is to support persons with gluten intolerances, celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and other gluten sensitivities, through consumer and industry services and programs that positively promote healthy lives.


The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness Through empowerment, education and advocacy, the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) drives diagnoses of celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders and improves the quality of life for those on a lifelong gluten-free diet. NFCA empowers patients to take responsibility for their own health and provides the information and tools necessary to maximize their health and quality of life. NFCA educates individuals, healthcare providers and the food industry to understand the needs of those maintaining a gluten-free diet and to support patients in seeking an improved quality of life, beginning with an accurate diagnosis. NFCA advocates for access to high quality healthcare, along with      gluten-free food and drug safety standards, by providing training and resources to the food industry and regulatory agencies.


Celiac Disease Foundation  Celiac Disease Foundation is a non-profit, public benefit corporation dedicated to providing services and support regarding celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis, through programs of awareness, education, advocacy and research. With a range of vital programs and services for the public, patients, healthcare professionals and the food industries, CDF remains dedicated to improving the quality of life for those diagnosed, yet to be diagnosed, and their families.

Children’s Digestive Health and Nutrition Foundation 
The mission of the Children’s Digestive Health and Nutrition Foundation is: To fund and promote research and educational programs that will advance the creation, application, and dissemination of knowledge of pediatric digestive disorders.
Raising Our Celiac Kids (R.O.C.K.) A national group  with chapters across the country, Raising Our Celiac Kids offers free support to families and friends on the gluten-free diet because of celiac disease, gluten intolerance, autism, ADD/ADHD, allergies, or personal preference. R.O.C.K. helps with “fun” gluten-free treats; menu ideas for school lunches and sports snacks; preparing for unexpected birthday parties and food-oriented activities at school; the psychological impact of growing up with celiac disease, and more.